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What information do we ask for?

Information that we ask Consultation Participants, Accessibility Consultants, and Community Connectors to share.

Community Connectors — Individual

We ask Community Connectors for the following information:

  • Province or territory
  • City or town (optional)
  • Pronouns (optional)
  • Your bio
  • Social media and website links (optional)

Why do we ask for this information?

This information is a part of your public profile that you can publish and share with other members of the website, including governments and businesses. This provides an overview to others about who you are.

  • what disability or Deaf communities you can connect to
  • what other intersectional communities you can connect to
  • what age groups you can connect to
  • what language groups you can connect to

Why do we ask for this information?

Regulated organizations hire a Community Connector to connect to certain communities that they may otherwise find difficult to reach. Providing the information about the communities that you have connections to, lets the government and business groups know how you could help them.

  • Lived experience (optional)
  • Skills and strengths (optional)
  • Relevant experiences (including any volunteer or paid experience) (optional)

Why do we ask for this information?

You can share your lived experience if you feel it is relevant to your work.

Not everyone has had access to paid or volunteer experiences, but there are a lot of experiences that build certain skills and strengths. You can share more about that here. If you have had paid or volunteer experiences, you can also include that.

We will ask you about whether you have a preference for either in-person or virtual meetings. We will also ask you how you would like us to contact you, and for your contact information.

Why do we ask for this information?

This information will help governments and businesses communicate and work with you in a format that is accessible to you.

We will ask you to indicate:

  • your preferred language for navigation of this website
  • your first language
  • the other languages are you able to work in

Why do we ask for this information?

The language you select for navigating this website sets the website into that language.

Your first language and other languages will be combined into a “working languages” list - this will let governments and businesses understand what languages you can use to work with them in, and communicate to others in.

The Accessible Canada Act has outlined seven main areas that governments and businesses have to make accessible. If you would like, you may indicate which areas are of interest to you. You do not have to answer this question as it is optional.

Why do we ask for this information?

Providing this information will help regulated organizations, like governments and businesses, understand which areas are of interest to you.

The Accessible Canada Act has identified sectors that are required to comply with the Act. If you would like, you may indicate which sectors are of interest to you. You do not have to answer this question as it is optional.

Why do we ask for this information?

Providing this information will help regulated organizations, like governments and businesses, understand which sectors are of interest to you.

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Call our support line at 1 (888) 867-0053

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